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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Composition Collection

 Good Composition

I really liked this picture when I took it mainly because I love horses, but secondly because the picture turned out to be really cool. I thought that this picture was an example of good composition because it displayed many elements of the Principles of Design. First, this picture shows asymmetrical balance with the three horses being in different stances, but at the same time opposite of one another in a balanced manner. Next, the picture shows dominance because when you look at the picture the first thing that catches the eye is the horse staring back at you. Lastly, this picture shows repetition because of the relative height and color of the three horses.

I was not super happy with the quality of this picture because it was taken with my camera phone, but I still think it shows elements of good composition. Dominance is one of the main elements that this picture displays; the eye is drawn to my nephew walking along the road. Next, the picture shows movement in a way because of the position that his arms and legs are in, and you can picture where his next steps will take him. I also liked this picture because I feel that it is not "in jail." The trees, sky, road, and  asphalt make the eye look to all different areas of the page, and since my nephew is off centered the point of reference also moves.

Bad Composition

When taking this picture I really liked it, I thought the trees showed repetition, and that there was unity within the picture. When looking back at it, I still love the sky and the picture in general, but I feel that the way the trees blend together takes away from the repetition of the picture and provides no dominant point of reference.

I wanted to try and get a picture of my dog as he was following me around the farm during all my other pictures; needless to say he was not the best model. I thought this picture would turn out really cool because of the texture that the grass and his coat showed, but in reality this picture really had no elements of the principles of design and is definitely "in jail" with the focus of the picture directly in the middle. While this picture does show symmetrical balance, the fact that there are no other elements present made this picture one of bad composition.

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